Vincent, a 20-year-old successful actor, is being offered the leading role in the film of the year: a biopic on Charles de Gaulle in his youth. At the same time, his parents move to Orléans, thus pushing him to live alone. The film follows his first steps towards independence. 闯入的死亡麻雀,是生活的突兀瞬间,那些独自往来的暗夜,以及欢乐的失败,日常性的生活影像与对历史隔空对话的语言,延展了它的叙事空间,领袖诞生于孤独,而每个个体,便是他王国里的领袖。$u are not a leader just a fool.3.1$有一种轻快的跳动感觉。小青年没心没肺的社交生活。$有真·一衣带水福利:$喜剧设计挺有趣,拉科斯特很可爱。