Childhood best friends who are both geniuses in school eventually become bittersweet rivals for campus athlete Mark Ferrer. Zoe Tuazon is a rich, overweight and aggressive mestiza, while Aica Tabayoyong is a poor nerdy student with a bad case of teenage acne and nearsightedness. In an effort to outsmart and outclass each other, Zoe and Aica each undergo cosmetic surgery and bec...$不新鲜的丑女大翻身故事,新的地方在于主角是两个IQ超群的丑闺蜜,双双整容后的结果不是获得爱情而是歇斯底里撕逼。布景色彩明艳,特效化妆夸张,变身完几乎是俩超模,变化太惊艳以至于影院里都鼓起了掌。前半段笑点在于消费丑陋恶心,后半段枪战什么的就不好玩了。都是整蛊装置和魔方强人……$