A witty, touching comedy-drama about a thirtysomething gay man who is surprised to find himself falling in love with a woman. Writer: Russell T. Davies 看到第二集突然意识到Bob和我以前一哥们特别像,各方面,顿时无法直视了...orz$很多生活化的小细节,RTD是情感小能手!$"It's queuing up in the rain and dancing in the heat” Ep4 is so russell t davies i mean a parade against section28 led by harriet Jones? It's just beautiful. Also can we just talk about how much she l...$太喜欢这种温暖的感觉了,ep4是此生都不会忘记的美好场面(虽然高糊),以及这剧好多熟人!qaf里可爱Donna,dw里被外星人附身的sky姐姐还有了不起的Harriet Jones呜呜呜呜,真好,真好$RTD is a superb screenwriter. Anyone who's seen this series must admit that. He does that rare thing in fiction - making us care for the characters and believe in the genuine beauty of their love.