The story of Charlie Darby, who has everything going for him: a great job, friends, family, the whole package. The one thing Charlie doesn't have is love, because every time he gets close, he goes clinically insane. When he meets the perfect girl, Charlie must overcome his psychosis to claim his chance at true love. 爱情片就像巧克力,天天吃会腻,但难得吃一次的话,连最普通的巧克力都能让你甜一下。爱情片永无罪,两个主角非常讨喜,Joey多萌啊!总体还是挺喜欢的,如果再多拓展一下会更棒。导演拍过《爱神》,看来功力还在~~$psychotic can also be lovely~$为什么molly又接受了...但现在还没明白$什么鬼...都逼成酱紫还能在一起...Joey老矣,心痛~$故事很普通,但是有共鸣