Mary Donnell was married at sixteen to a gangster and soon widowed. She works for unhappily married lawyer Lloyd Rogers. A client's son Jack elopes with her, but his father tracks them down and has the marriage annulled. Mary has a son. Unaware of this, the father remarries; his new wife is crippled in an auto accident. The lawyer, now dying, tells Mary he has left her money fo...$The bubbles just went on and on and on...poor Bette working so hard to give a serious performance on a snoozy soap.$此种剧作糟烂三观奇葩的片子拍出来就是毁女性电影名声的……支撑我看下去的动力是期待编剧(尤其当这个人是Edmund Goulding时)能迷途知返把自己拉回正轨,可惜没有。当最后BD听到原配2号的死讯时眼里闪过一道光,我整个人都不好了……$贝蒂的神采是贝蒂的神采,剧本的immoral和questionable是剧本的immoral和questionable。结尾贝蒂一场哭泣,一个短暂入神凝视足以拨动人心$三个伟大女性讲述什么叫为爱成全……但都比不上编剧的成全……男人就自私了些。那小男孩儿真的很像Fonda耶$是真的狗血,本来以为会将悲剧进行到底,结果当她知道原配死后居然……反正我是懵了。而且看见剧中那个小男孩,每天被拎来拎去的,还总是不穿衣服我就心疼。