After the dust settled on the 90s Britpop phenomenon, one song stood head and shoulders above all others penned at the time... That song was Common People, and it was written by Sheffield anti-popstar Jarvis Cocker. The Story of Common People takes a forensic look at the seminal track, and attempts to shed light on its inspiration, its lyrics, and the man who wrote them. Jarvis太好笑了,真的,看着他我能笑一百分钟。$查名单找那个希腊姑娘的时候我还在期待好戏发生,结果,胆小鬼贾维斯不敢去找人家,原来是以前就因为写歌被女孩扇过耳光哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。我爱Candida,我爱Russell,Russell越看越觉得长得还真是有点像贾姨$1.Jarvis pop quiz大神出道哈哈哈,好厉害啊文献综述大神哈哈哈 2.之前压根没注意那段尬舞,可爱,想学 3. 小贾年轻时给姑娘写歌然后被slap,还说自己理解自己活该,可爱贾4.当时的第一竟然是unchained melody for ten weeks!$hahahahahahahaha$亮点是老贾听到自己原声的表情(还辩称自己喝多了