生于孟买贫民区的青年,除了要应付大学生涯的最后一年,还要兼职养家和承受家庭压力。幸好他有青梅竹马的女友支持,以及藉著饶舌音乐抒发冤屈,让HipHop打开了他的世界。主角和友人的歌曲得到靓女歌手Sky的注意,继而合作新曲,并迅即成为网上热话。他的歌词,精闢「贴地」,道尽年轻人面对的社会问题。但初嚐成功的他,又能否再进一步,将梦想化为现实?本片风靡印度和全球各地观众,延续「打死不离」的印度热血精神。"Gully Boy" is a film about a 22-year-old boy "Murad" from a ghetto in Mumbai, India. The son of a driver, his parents worked hard to get him educated so that he could have a white collar job. Meanwhile, Murad realizes his calling to be a rapper. Authentic Hip Hop in India is a recent phenomenon and like anywhere else in the world, is rising from the streets. Art is a distant dream for the colonized poor of India and this story is about Murad's journey from realizing his love for rap and chasing his dream to inadvertently transcending his class. The film showcases street rap from the crevices of Mumbai's by lanes. The poetry is conscious of the city's socio-economic fabric and highlights the challenges faced by the disenfranchised youth in the minority population.