在阳光明媚的海边小镇,一个名为“光之子”的邪教正在兴起,教主被称为圣女(Laura Gemser 劳拉•贾姆瑟 饰),身边有一个强壮彪悍的男人多利安(Christian Anders 饰)充当护卫。“光之子”宣扬自由主义,倡导信徒从社会教条中解放出来,并鼓励他们沉浸在自由而幸福的性爱之中。圣女周围的信徒不断增加,甚至连一些知名人士也加入进来。 然而“光之子”又非绝对自由,任何忤逆圣女或者企图脱离组织的人都会在圣女的授意下,遭到多利安的无情惩罚……The young daughter of a US Senator is drawn into a hippie "free love" cult called "The Children of Light" by the blond boyfriend of the cult's leader, a mysterious and beautiful Asian woman. The cult turns out to be not quite the "free" love community it presents itself to be.