列车长奥德·霍顿(Baard Owe 饰)已经到了67岁的退休年限,像往常一样,他完成了最后一次出车的交接班,同事们为他准备了颇有心思的欢送聚会,但奥德似乎不在状态。他与同事们分散片刻就被破旧的电子锁挡在门外,并错过了第二天的车次,退休生活就这样在不顺利中开始了…… 奥德去探望自己的老母亲,这位老人年轻时是高台滑雪健将,如今却失去了和儿子交流的能力;奥德去机场寻找朋友出售自己的小船,结果被严密的安检规则纠缠;拜访一位多时未联系的朋友却只听到对方的死讯……奥德终于决定找回年轻时的梦想:进行一次高台滑雪。 本片获2008年佛兰德斯国际电影节最佳导演奖,挪威阿曼达电影奖最佳男配角、最佳音效奖。A picaresque tale. Odd Horton is dependable and contained: he's a train engineer retiring after 40 years of service, living a simple life. His idea of adventure is to fly from one city in Norway to another. Starting on the night of his retirement dinner, Odd has a series of dislocating experiences: a boy insists that Odd sit by his bedside while he falls asleep; misadventure causes Odd to miss his last run; he witnesses an arrest; he assists an old man and makes a friend; he takes a trip with a blindfolded driver; he adopts a dog; he takes stock late one night at the roundhouse; he revisits his mother's disappointment in him. How should he live the rest of his life?