铁皮鼓导演Volker Schloendorff的又一作品,《乱世启示录》,英文片名为 The Ogre,德文为Der Unhold,意为‘食人魔’,故事讲一个法国战俘亚伯(约翰马可维奇饰演)在战争中的所见所闻与所思。Frenchman Abel Tiffauges likes children, and wants to protect them against the grown-ups. Falsely suspected as child molester, he's recruited as a soldier in the 2nd World War, but very soon he is taken prisoner of war. After shortly serving in Goerings hunting lodge, he becomes the dogsbody in Kaltenborn Castle, an elite training camp for German boys. Completely happy to take care of these children, he becomes a servant of Nazism, catching boys from the area as supplies for the camp.