故事发生在某个炎热的夏季,隆介、平市、果步三个游手好闲的家伙正在动脑筋琢磨不工作就能过下去的办法。人活着必须吃饭,如果什么都能吃得下,那就不用工作赚钱了。经过逻辑推断后,三人竟然认认真真地练起了什么都吃的本领。 这天,他们为了打发时间去了猫老头家。猫老头告诉他们,如果想混日子可以去印度。三人对这个富有独特魅力的国度发生了兴趣。An off-beat comedy about 3 'damejin' (useless persons), who don't work and spend their lives doing nothing. They actually don't want to work. When they hear 'in India one can live without working' they take it seriously. They begin to raise the money to go to India by doing anything but working, such as ripping off stamps from others' letters to sell, robbery at the bank which itself went bankrupt, etc.