在距地球数百万光年的某星球上,这里的高级生命体彼此间似乎只有仇恨和战争,随着战火蔓延和死亡的增加,他们终于走向灭亡边缘。为了拯救本民族,这些外星人派出使者前往地球,向人类学习他们所不曾拥有的情感——爱。 使者来到地球,进入乌拉(Paprika Steen 饰)的身体,并以代课老师的身份进入一所小学的六年B班任教。乌拉强势的风格和无所不知的学识令这群不知天高地厚的学生们大为惊诧,学生们不仅对她的真实身份产生怀疑…… 本片荣获2008年丹麦影评人奖最佳摄影奖。6th Grade gets a new substitute teacher. She wants to train the class for an international competition in Paris. But something isn't right. How is she able read kids' minds? Why is she so mean? And how does she manage to convince everyone's parents she is so great when the whole class knows she is really an alien?