很很久以前,有一位女高音歌唱家用她的年轻美貌和完美的歌声征服了全世界,而如今只剩下那段传奇与她相伴。她已多年不表演,也不再出现在她曾经叱咤风云的上流社交场合。这个曾经惊艳世界的疯狂女人如今想要在事业上再次凯旋。她用尽所有伎俩,不择手段地来达成她的野心。而一个野心勃勃的年轻男歌剧演员成了她的牺牲品……Once upon a time, the great soprano Sophia Maier conquered the world with her voice, her beauty and the legend she carefully built around herself. Now only the legend remains- the diva herself hasn't performed for years, nor been seen in the glittering circles of society she once dominated. But the woman who fascinated and thrilled the world for so long would like to crown her career with one more triumph. And she'll use every dirty trick she knows to achieve it.