爱情可以醇如佳酿,也可毒如砒霜。《毒药》要讲的就是三个离经叛道的荒诞故事。《英雄》中的英雄并非什么占士邦或铁金刚式打不死,而是一个乳臭未乾的黄毛小子。都说不可小覤新新人类的力量──年仅七岁的小主角枪杀无赖老豆,绝不手震。《可怖》向50年代经典恐怖科幻片《变蝇人魔》致敬。科学家成功研究出一个惊世实验,把人类性欲化作液体保存。三个短篇中最引起争议的,是描绘监狱另类春光的《凶毛》。一个终生囚犯不能自拔的迷恋囚友,自虐被虐共冶一炉,引人入「性」。粗犷暴烈的场面赤裸裸地冲击观众底线。三段人生,三种手法。《紫醉金迷》导演托特海恩斯就是凭本片夺得1991年辛丹士影展大奖,一鸣惊人。Three intercut stories about outsiders, sex and violence. In "Hero," Richie, at age 7, kills his father and flies away. After the event, a documentary in cheesy lurid colors asks what Richie was like and what led up to the shooting. In the black and white "Horror," a scientist isolates the elixir of human sexuality, drinks it, and becomes a festering, contagious murderer; a female colleague who loves him tries to help, to her peril. In "Homo," a prisoner in Fontenal prison is drawn to an inmate whom he knew some years before, at Baton juvenile institute, and whose humiliations he witnessed. This story is told in dim light, except for the bright flashbacks.