阿咪(谢欣颖 饰)认识了男孩子小豪(段钧豪 饰)后,感觉自己已经找到了适合的人选之后,便想与女友晓镜(欧阳靖 饰)结束恋人关系,这也是她们之前已有的约定。 晓镜的内在有种男孩子般的占有欲,眼看自己喜爱的女孩子即要离开自己,她的内心开始变得不安。她感觉自己的感情遭到了遗弃,没想到晓镜穿上了与阿咪同样的衣服,化起与阿咪同样的妆颜,然后再接近小豪,为的是要报复他从自己身边带走了阿咪……
Plot Summary:Jin and Mi are two women living in Taiwan who have been lovers for some time; Jin is a singer in a rock band who suffers from severe mood swings and has been suffering from a fractured relationship with her mother while Mi is the more sedate and level-headed of the couple.