EP1 巴哈马-海豚, 巴布达-军舰鸟, 圣卢西亚和多米尼克-火山 抹香鲸,古巴-石灰岩、27种蝙蝠、乌提亚硬毛鼠、紅黃道蟹, ABC 三岛-沙漠和盐湖、沙原鞭尾蜥、黃肩亞馬遜鸚鵡、美洲鬣蜥、火烈鸟,特立尼达(原本是南美一部分,冰河期后海水上升分割了大陆)-沼泽 Scarlet ibis 、四眼魚、红吼猴、二指食蚁兽
EP2 reef animals 珊瑚靠抓浮游植物获取营养 多米尼加东岸 座头鲸 失事船只形成的庇护所 开曼群岛-鳐鱼 Barrier Reef system from Belize to Honduras, and Blue Hole, snappers mating in groups
EP3 飓风在加勒比海 龙虾在风暴时最脆弱, 海龟蛋也被消灭了,但是蜥蜴蛋得以幸存,红树林也保护了很多动物 波多黎各鹦鹉 绿鬣蜥借助浮游植物飘到安圭拉
EP4 rainforest around Panama Canal-Capybara, fruit-eating spider monkey, bocas del toro-three-toe sloth that eat toxic mangrove tree leaves, good swimmers in salt water, 吃叶子的吼猴, poison dart frog, Peacock flounder, upside-down octopus, 杂食(吃海鲜)的白面猴, the only iguana that lives in mangrove trees, blind fish in yucatan mexico, a great egret can swallow a child crocodile, Red-Footed Booby