宝石が謎の生物によって奪われるという事件が多発した。それは、炭素を主食とする宇宙生物・ドゴラの仕業であった。巨大なクラゲのようなドゴラには、地球上の如何なる兵器も通用しない。だが唯一、ドゴラに対抗できる手段が見つかった……。Several satellites have been destroyed without explanation. A few days later, a group of diamond thieves are thwarted when the gems they are after suddenly disappear. Strangely enough, the two incidents are connected when scientists discover that a giant jellyfish like creature, which was mutated due to a high amount of radiation hovering over Japan, is drawing up all carbon based matter, including coal and diamonds. Soon the creature is also attacking bridges and ships. Can anything be done to destroy the creature before he begins drawing up all mankind?