故事描述一名失业男子为了生活,被一名富商的调皮孩子买作玩具,他忍痛牺牲自尊来讨好富家子,受尽侮辱。到他忍无可忍要离去时,小孩却又不舍得他。 本片将荒谬的笑料和辛酸的故事糅合起来,颇见神采。理查德以其一贯的低调技巧把这个将自己卖为玩具的可怜男人演绎得相当动人,笑料不太多,但具新鲜感。好莱坞在1982年曾翻拍此片,由黑人谐星理查德·普瑞尔主演,荒腔走板,通篇只见其挤眉弄眼硬挤笑料,却没有原片对人性尊严的捍卫。When François, a journalist, is touring a big store for an article, he is chosen by the son of the owner, Rambal-Cochet, as his new toy. All afraid of the despotic industrialist who is also the newspaper's owner, François is forced to agree to this masquerade. Becoming the friend of the child, he induces him, who wants to make a newspaper, to unveil publicly the real tyrannical way of life of his father.