昨晚上试着email了《Dreaming Against the World》(梦想抵抗现实)的团队,询问是否可以有途径观看这部木心先生生平的纪录片。早上起床,得到了他们的回复。灰常感谢。

不过被告知,由于仍然未发售, 唯一的法子,就是继续等待。顺带广告了一把,“but for now the best way to find out about screenings is to sign up for our newsletter at the website: DATW.INFO.”

From: "muxin";;
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2015 02:21 AM
To: "Jing"<239208682@qq.com>;

Subject: Re: Please kindly tell me where to get a copy of the film : Dream Against the World

Dear Kevin Jing,

Many thanks for reaching out as well as your interest in Mu Xin and "Dreaming Against the World." The film is showing in New York on Thursday at 7:30pm as part of the closing night of the DOC NYC film festival in New York. If you can make it you are welcome to come.

At this moment the film is not being distributed, so it is not available online, DVD, television or any other method. We expect this to change, but for now the best way to find out about screenings is to sign up for our newsletter at the website: DATW.INFO. That way, you will be among the first to know about any presentation of the film or any news related to it.

Please share this information with your friends and colleagues who may be interested in the film as well as the life and work of Mu Xin.

Ropa Vieja Films and Half Mile Hill Productions

逆流寻梦Dreaming Against the World(2015)

又名:梦想抵抗现实 / 木心:来自地下的笔记 / Mu Xin: Notes from the Underground


主演:木心 芬顿·李 亚历克斯·福克斯 

导演:弗朗西斯科·贝洛 蒂姆·斯特恩伯格 编剧:Francisco Bello/Tim Sternberg/陈丹青 Danqing Chen